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Little Secrets
by Gail Schimmel
Pan MacMillan
The latest delicious domestic noir from Gail Schimmel is set in Joburg in the homes of people you’ll think you know.
Monique and Ben Klein have been married for twenty years. They both know that they didn’t get married for all the right reasons but they have a good life in a beautiful house, with three children who they adore.
Monique is obsessed with being the perfect wife and mother – from her appearance to her home to her children, nobody is allowed to see the cracks. Ben knows that he gave up on a part of himself and his dreams when he married Monique. He’s an actuary, working for a corporate, and not the artist that he longed to be. If anyone asks, he is happy. Their daughter Rosie is struggling with her friendships and the daunting world of teenage parties. But with a strict mother like Monique, she knows that even if she gets frustrated, Monique’s rules will keep her safe.
Until Ben meets Daisy. And Rosie meets Margie. And everything starts to fall apart….