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by Jamie Oliver
Michael Joseph
I do love Jamie Oliver and I love his new book not just because its all in one pan (yay) but also because he wrote such a sweet dedication it to his number One, Jools, his lovely and no doubt long-suffering wife!
You may know that over the course of his 20-year career he has sold over 46 million books worldwide, and has reached an estimated 67 million TV viewers across 182 territories; but what you may not have heard is his ambitious goal to halve the level of UK childhood obesity by 2030, and improve everyone’s health and happiness through food. I like the chap!
One is all about quick and easy meals, using eight ingredients or less, cooked using just one pot, pan or tray and requiring minimal prep and washing up. It’s a no-brainer!
With a twinkle in my eye, I want to position this book as one that is absolutely dedicated to the art of minimal washing up – you cook each recipe in just one pan or tray. Cooking is many thanks to many people and the most wonderful pursuit, but when it comes down to everyday pressures it seems that, time and time again, convenience rules. So, One is my homage to making your life simpler and more convenient when it comes to getting good food on the table. – Jamie Oliver
Please watch Jamie telling you about the book himself.