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by Robert Harris

Hutchinson Heinemann

The name Robert Harris may well ring a bell – he’s written some brilliant historical thrillers.  Remember Fatherland, Munich and especially Enigma which was made into that wonderful movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch called The Imitation Game.  His latest one, Precipice, is just as riveting!  Its set on the eve of World War I.  The Prime Minister, H.H. Asquith, is about to lead his country into war with Germany but he is also conducting an extremely distracting love affair with the 27 year old aristocrat, Venetia Stanley.  In fact, he’s obsessed with her!  He writes to her two or three times a day, confiding way, way more than he should.   At the same time, a young intelligence officer is assigned to investigate a leak of top-secret documents and suddenly what was a secret love affair becomes a matter of national security…

Precipice is so gripping!  It’s one of those books that interweaves facts and fiction – you won’t believe it but the letters in the book are the ACTUAL letters the Prime Minister wrote!  As the world prepares to go to war, you are right there in the War Cabinet.  Unputdownable!

‘A riveting tale of politics, war and erotic obsession’ – Sunday Times

‘His most enthralling yet . . . a slam dunk of a plot . . . extraordinary’ – The Independent

‘Gripping . . . Harris also has the John le Carré gift for showing how meetings can become a form of blood sport’ – The Telegraph
















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