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The Hidden
by Fiona Snyckers
Pan MacMillan
Firstly, we meet the Abrahamson family – Becca, her husband Michael and their three children; teenagers, Rachel and Felix and the youngest, Petey. Petey is handicapped. He’s non-verbal and requires 24 hour care but is responsive and much loved by his family. Then we meet Ruth and Meshach, members of a survivalist cult hidden away in a forest living lives totally removed from the modern world. And finally, in the aftermath of an appalling terrorist attack, we meet FBI Special Agent in Charge, Aalia Knox and her team who are under enormous pressure to locate the perpetrators.
You feel like you’re watching the news as it happens live, with twists and turns that you honestly don’t see coming. I was gripped!!
“Fast-paced and gripping, Snyckers builds the tension perfectly in this chillingly realistic and contemporary portrayal of right-wing domestic terror and survivalist cultism.” – Andrew Brown
Watch my review on instagram or on Youtube