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The Last Thing He Told Me
by Laura Dave
Two years after Owen Michaels swept her off her feet and a year after marrying him and moving from New York across the entire country to California, Hannah opens the door to find a young girl with a cryptic message for her – a torn piece of paper with the words Protect Her in Owen’s handwriting. Hannah knows that Owen means Bailey, her stepdaughter who lost her mother tragically as a child, who also does not particularly want anything to do with her new stepmother.
As Hannah’s increasingly desperate calls to Owen go unanswered, as the FBI arrests Owen’s boss, as a US marshal and federal agents arrive at her Sausalito home unannounced, Hannah quickly realizes her husband isn’t who he said he was. And that Bailey holds the key to figuring out Owen’s true identity—and why he really disappeared.
Such a page-turner! You’re so invested in the characters, the mystery and the panic of not knowing what’s going on. Where is Owen? Why has he disappeared? Why is he not contacting the two most important people in his life? And what will the future hold for them?
a fast-moving, heartfelt thriller about the sacrifices we make for the people we love most.- Real Simple
a novel of domestic suspense that unnerves, then reassures…. the surface is ugly, the situation disturbing, but almost everyone involved is basically good underneath it all. Dave has given readers what many people crave right now—a thoroughly engrossing yet comforting distraction – BookPage
Dave’s neat trick is to unveil revelations at a brisk clip that does not overwhelm character development. The novel’s richness comes from the way Hannah and Bailey realize they need each other in the face of staggering loss; the mutual trust that grows between them is genuinely moving – The New York Times Book Review