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The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece
by Tom Hanks
Hutchinson Heinemann
Do you stay up all night watching the Oscars? Are you mad about anything to do with Hollywood? This one’s definitely for you! Tom Hanks’s debut novel is absolutely fabulous! Its gripping, compelling and very funny. It’s a great big epic of a book about the making of a great big, star-studded, multimillion-dollar superhero action film, and the humble comic book that inspired it all.
Spanning 80 years of a changing America and culminating in the opening of the film, the book is filled with loads of colourful characters including a troubled soldier returning from war, a young boy with an artistic gift, an inspired and eccentric director, a pompous film star on the rise, a tireless production assistant and countless film crew members that together create Hollywood magic. Hanks takes us behind the scenes as we get to know everyone from the lowly coffee-maker to the gorgeous movie star with whom EVERYONE has fallen in love! Don’t miss the quirky and very funny footnotes throughout the book. Its such fun!
Funny, touching, and wonderfully thought-provoking, The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece offers an insider’s take on the momentous efforts it takes to make a film. At once a reflection on America’s past and present, on the world of show business and the real world we all live in.
” This was a joy to read in that certain kind of way that only happens when it was a joy to write. Tom Hanks is such a natural storyteller that everything feels like he’s telling this story just for you, at a dinner table, and you don’t want the night to end.” —Fredrik Backman, author of A Man Called Ove
“With a unique insight and a rare eye for detail, Tom Hanks delivers a stunning, emotionally satisfying tale about the art of storytelling. I never wanted the lights to come up. I could not put it down.” —Graham Norton
“Vibrant, jazzy, witty, snazzily written, with a great sense of time and place, this novel-cum-comic book is one of those rare, unique, pieces of fiction. Loved it.” —Kate Mosse; author of Labyrinth
“A thoroughly engaging tale….This is a story about what happens behind the cameras. Hanks is at pains to impress upon us that moviemaking is a circuitous process involving a vast network of people — some famous, most not — showing up and doing their best. This is most definitely not a novel about the magic of filmmaking; it’s a novel about the hard work of filmmaking…. a love letter to the industry….The longer you watch Hanks create that glittery surface, the harder it is to look away.” — The Washington Post