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Daisy De Melker

by Ted Botha

Jonathan Ball

Jenny Crwys-Williams and I recently hosted the most fabulous launch for Ted Botha’s Daisy de Melker.  It was in the Long Bar in Johannesburg’s grand old dame, the Rand Club – the perfect setting for a book about Joburg’s crime underbelly a hundred years ago.  Daisy’s sordid story and how it made international headlines even in those days is the gist of the book but Ted Botha has very cleverly reminded us of the rest of the cast of killers and con men, detectives and lawmen, journalists and authors (including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Herman Charles Bosman) who were lurking around at the time.  Its a great read!

Botha has created an instant classic…Totally enthralling.  I devoured it – Deon Meyer

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