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The Idea of You
by Robinne Lee
Penguin Books
Girl meets boy. She’s American with French parents; he’s a proper British boy from a posh public school. She’s sophisticated, petite and stunning; he’s intellegent, thoughtful and criminally gorgeous. She’s the single mother of a thirteen year old girl; he should be studying at Cambridge. She’s fast approaching her fortieth birthday; he’s not quite twenty-one. She’s the owner of a successful, niche art gallery; he’s the lead singer of the biggest boy band in the world, loved by millions of teen girls internationally BUT he only has eyes for her…
Indulge your inner teen – dredge up memories of your teenage crush (it was Rob Lowe for me!) and just enjoy this fabulous, racy distraction! Pure, unabashed escapism! Need I say more?
The sleeper hit of the pandemic . . . . There is no escapism like reading about a nearly middle-aged woman embarking on a glittering, global love affair with a thoughtful young sex god . . . . It’s electric, triumphant to read ―Vogue.com
a beautifully written novel that explores sex, love, romance, and fantasy in moving, insightful ways while also examining a woman’s struggle with aging and sexism, with a nod at the tension between celebrity and privacy. – Kirkus Reviews