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The Paris Muse
by Louisa Treger
Louisa Treger is fast making a name for herself for taking strong, trailblazing but forgotten women and writing them back into history through her fiction. The Paris Muse is exactly this. Louisa has taken the character of Dora Maar who, it’s true, was Pablo Picasso’s muse but she was so, so much more than that. When they met, Dora was already an accomplished photographer who in the 1930’s – at the age of only 24 – opened her own photography studio, experimented artistically with photography and was exhibited alongside key male artists in a very male world.
Over their 9-year intoxicating, enthralling and all-consuming love affair, she inspired and collaborated with Picasso and pushed him to some of his best work. This is the passionately told story of both the agony and the ecstasy of falling in love with one of the world’s most famous artists.
“Living with him was like living at the centre of the universe. It was electrifying and humbling, sublime and destructive, all at the same time”
This is one of those books that will send you down every Google rabbit hole about Picasso, art and the extraordinary Dora Maar!
‘An accomplished literary novel, and also an absolute page turner. Raw sexual charisma and its descent into toxic cruelty which is set – and artfully echoed – in times of peace and war.’ Essie Fox, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Fascination
‘Dora Maar, “The Weeping Woman” of Picasso’s famous paintings, steps out of the canvas in Louisa Treger’s unforgettable new novel. Dora’s passionate, obsessive relationship with the artist came close to destroying her, and Treger’s beautifully written first-person narrative takes us deep inside her grief and torment. Picasso emerges as a controlling, sadistic man, who is single-minded in pursuit of his art first, his pleasure second. This is a powerful, absorbing read about a woman who was a talented artist in her own right, and it illustrates very graphically who was responsible for making the ‘Weeping Woman’ weep.’ Gill Paul, internationally bestselling author of A Beautiful Rival