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Everything’s Fine

by Cecelia Rabess


Two bright Ivy League college students have landed coveted internships at Goldman Sachs in New York.  They couldn’t be more different – he’s white, she’s black, he’s conservative, she’s not.  They spar, they drive each other mad, but they work well together and before they know it, they’ve fallen -shockingly – in love!  But can love survive when what divides is great that what unites?  Can love overcome fundamental differences? A very contemporary read featuring big universal themes and all the big issues of the day.  Fabulous!

The book of the moment . . . It’s about whether it is ever possible for two people who fancy each other but profoundly disagree about everything that matters to have a happy relationship . . . It’s so good ― funny, sexy, unafraid, brilliantly nuanced, completely unputdownable.The Times

An assured debut that provides an honest look into the fraught terrain of a mixed-race, mixed-politics romance – Guardian

Does love conquer all? Does it now? Did it ever? These are questions Cecilia Rabess asks in her nimble, discerning debut . . . The ending of Everything’s Fine is one of the best I’ve read in years ― The New York Times

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