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Starling House
by Alix E. Harrow
No one in Eden remembers when Starling House was built. But everyone agrees that it’s best to let the house – and its last, lonely heir – go to rot. Starling House is uncanny and ugly and fully of secrets, just like its heir. Opal knows better than to mess with haunted houses or brooding men, but it might be a chance to get her brother out of Eden. It feels dangerously like something she’s never had: a home.
But Opal isn’t the only one interested in the house, or the horrors and wonders that lie beneath it. If Opal wants a home, she’ll have to fight for it. She’ll have to dig up her family’s ugly history and let herself dream of a better future. She’ll have to go down, down into Underland, and claw her way back to the light . . .
‘Alix E. Harrow is an exceptional, undeniable talent’ – Olivie Blake, author of The Atlas Six
A Reece Witherspoon Book Club pick